It has been a crazy couple of months, and it's strange to look back at this blog and see that my last post at the beginning of August and the disarray my life appeared to be then.
And here we are in October. School is in full swing and is as crazy as ever. There have been a lot of management changes in my district and we have all been affected. Teachers more than anyone, but everyone is on edge and it seems like people who you never would've guessed are biting everyone's heads off. Luckily, there is a small group of us that are still friends and close, and I really believe that we are all getting through this only because we have each other.
But it's only 29 more weeks, right?
To add insult to injury, I've recently been accused of something at work (that was later found to be a lie), and I was quite shaken by that. The whole incident made me realize what a huge part of my life my job and my students are, and I have a new found appreciation for work. Even though this year is a complete beat-down. lol
As for me..... wow, I don't know where to begin. Every second I have to myself seems like a treasure- I love having my own life and my own time. I no longer feel lonely when I am stuck at home alone. In fact, it's more welcome than ever, even when I was unhappy and my alone time was a solace to me. My personal life is a bit strange. I know now how married to my job I am, and it's as big a struggle as it has always been. But things are certainly different this year. Better. Like way better. Even though I feel like I'm watching something (my school) be dissected and sewn randomly back together, and am stressed beyond belief about that, I've somehow managed to leave it at school so far. Most of the time. Ok, some of the time.
My personal life has taken a completely different turn. I don't want to say too much about it, but let's just say that I've had an astonishing epiphany. I'm happy. I'm sure I will have my ups and downs as I've always had, but I starting to see my life for what it is, and it's pretty damn good. I don't know really what else to say besides that, but I'm finally kinda living the life of my dreams. That sounds so insane to say that.... just a few months ago I felt like I'd never find happiness. I felt like I'd made the worst mistake of my life. And now, here it is October- Halloween is coming, fall is upon us with it's coziness, and I have new reasons to wake up happy every day.
Hope everything is wonderful with you.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Friday, August 03, 2012
Sacred, by Suzanne Falter Barns
You are divine.
Perhaps in the flow of your life you've forgotten this.
You are a sacred child ... one who makes mistakes, and then gets up again - although it seemed like a good idea at one point to stay curled up forever.
You are bliss incarnate.
Have you forgotten?
You are every single person you touch, inside and out.
You know their pain, their resistance, their upsets, their longings.
Yes, you really do know this.
And with this knowledge you can be of truest service to the world.
By holding yourself in the deepest embrace ...
By holding every single scrape you have endured, every tender place that has been bruised again and again.
Love every deep fold of your soul.
Particularly those places you have been afraid to even know.
Now is the time to drink in your essence
For that is where you will find your greatest love.
By Suzanne Falter Barns
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Brand new day

1. Denial and Isolation
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
Last night's post was obviously from the depression stage. haha Whoa, what a downer.
I'm noticing I'm moving in and out of the last three stages pretty regularly almost every day. I miss the way things used to be, then I think what if I had only done this? or what if that woulda happened? And then of course there are moments when I'm really happy and pleased with my progress, and excited about my life.

There seriously are no coincidences.
Sending thanks to the universe that is watching over me.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Hard and Cold

They say you should never ask a scorpio a question unless you want to hear the truth. Because a scorpio will tell you, even if you can't handle it. And I'm going to tell you the truth right now, even though I can barely handle it.
Lately, every day seems a little better than the last. And these days, I'm extremely happy at least once a day. That's a big deal. I mean, when was the last time you were like extremely happy??? Exactly. So things are getting better. Every day, a little better. And most days I don't cry.
But I do have bad days. Bad days that are getting to be fewer and further between, but still- they are bad. On those days I usually spend a few hours crying because I'm just so damn sad. I'm sad. I don't know how else to say it. I'm really effin sad. I think the sadness started with my back problems, and the sadness led me down a path where I became just way more conscious of my life, in general. And I think that led to a lot of changes. And I loved my life. I loved the people in my life and the way I felt and there were a million tiny things I was thankful for every single day. And I was really happy.
But there was a voice inside me, in the middle of the night that kept nudging me, and for a long time, I didn't know why. And I didn't know what it said. But when I finally heard it, it didn't say what I thought it would. It said something like, I am miraculous. Something like that. Something that when you hear it, you immediately laugh because there is nothing that could be less true. But that's what it said. And it meant it. And it didn't have anything to do with anyone else. It didn't mean anything about anyone else, it was just there, hanging heavy in the darkness. It's true, it would say, a literal miracle.

And if that makes me a terrible person in your eyes, then I humbly accept your opinion, but I disagree.

I loved my beautiful life. It's gone forever, and I miss it every day.

So basically, here I am. In this moment. I realize that I chose this crazy, chaotic, insane, scary, unstable life over the amazing one I had before.
But I'm ok. I'm better. Let's just say I've moved from being an emotional toddler to a kindergartner. So I'm still pissing my pants, but I've gained some skills in learning to live a life as if it is a miracle. It's not easy. It doesn't even feel worth it right now. But the voice says it WILL be worth it. So I'm sticking with it. And hoping for miracles. I don't think I'll be disappointed. :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012
The Journey, by Mary Oliver
The Journey
One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice--
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
"Mend my life!"
each voice cried.
But you didn't stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
was terrible.
It was already late
enough, and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen
branches and stones.
But little by little,
as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do--
determined to save
the only life you could save.
Sunday, July 01, 2012
There is nothing more humbling than chaos in your life. Or debilitating sadness. Starting over after so long with so little faith in yourself. Or regret.
But today there was sunshine and hope, and I made a list of things I have to be thankful for....
I'll share it with you. :)
1. I'm cancer free and alive and able to do things I've always dreamed of.
2. I have an amazing group of friends that keep me sane and happy.
3. I have the best dog on Earth. Sounds silly, but it's true. And it is practically IMPOSSIBLE to be sad around her.
4. I have food, a car, a place to live, and clothes to wear.
5. I am in very little pain these days and am almost completely off pain meds.
6. The people in my life that love me TRULY love me. They bless me with their love.
7. I have wonderful doctors that I love and trust.
8. I am able to support myself.
9. I love my job.
10. I wasn't happy before, and I made difficult, painful decisions to do things so that I could be happy. I am happier today. I am building a life I can be proud of.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Best day of my Life
I don't really know where any of this is going.... so you guys are just gonna get "train of thought" writing today.
Today I feel empty, disconnected, hurt. I've been thinking a lot of my own importance or lack thereof.
There is a huge realization that I have filled my life, from a very early age, with people that put their own needs before mine. And the strangest thing I can say about that is that it never really seemed that weird. It was what I expected, and perhaps even needed.
And here I am, 37, looking back, and being so angry with myself for not demanding more. Today, finally, I am worthy of all the things everyone else is.
Just recently I have, maybe for the first time in my life, seen myself in someone else's eyes- someone who I think may have valued my needs even higher than their own. The conversation made me want to run back to all the people in my life and say, "look! I've figured it out! All you have to do is give in to some of the things I want, and then we can all be happier." But it's like that scene in movies when the music comes to a screeching halt and all I could hear were crickets. I waited for their response. I waited for a realization. And then it dawned on me, and my jaw dropped. They are more important than me. At least to themselves. Even though I've given in a thousand times, talked myself into living a subpar life at times to keep them happy, my request flabbergasts them. They're appalled. They throw their hands in the air and begin ranting. How dare I.
The biggest consolation is the emptiness inside me, because in the middle of the night, diving into that abyss, I find that it is not emptiness at all. It is simply space. I don't know what the space is for, but I pray it's for new feelings of gratitude. For opportunity. For the future. And for ME.
And so I guess, believe it or not, according to my favorite quote, today is the best day of my life.
Today I feel empty, disconnected, hurt. I've been thinking a lot of my own importance or lack thereof.
There is a huge realization that I have filled my life, from a very early age, with people that put their own needs before mine. And the strangest thing I can say about that is that it never really seemed that weird. It was what I expected, and perhaps even needed.
And here I am, 37, looking back, and being so angry with myself for not demanding more. Today, finally, I am worthy of all the things everyone else is.
Just recently I have, maybe for the first time in my life, seen myself in someone else's eyes- someone who I think may have valued my needs even higher than their own. The conversation made me want to run back to all the people in my life and say, "look! I've figured it out! All you have to do is give in to some of the things I want, and then we can all be happier." But it's like that scene in movies when the music comes to a screeching halt and all I could hear were crickets. I waited for their response. I waited for a realization. And then it dawned on me, and my jaw dropped. They are more important than me. At least to themselves. Even though I've given in a thousand times, talked myself into living a subpar life at times to keep them happy, my request flabbergasts them. They're appalled. They throw their hands in the air and begin ranting. How dare I.
The biggest consolation is the emptiness inside me, because in the middle of the night, diving into that abyss, I find that it is not emptiness at all. It is simply space. I don't know what the space is for, but I pray it's for new feelings of gratitude. For opportunity. For the future. And for ME.
And so I guess, believe it or not, according to my favorite quote, today is the best day of my life.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Truth Be Told
It's been a long time since I've posted, and there's so much to tell you that it would be easier to talk about the things that haven't changed in my life than what has.
That's a whole lotta change.
But tonight instead of thinking of change, I'm thinking of people. People in my life. The ones who have entered and left over the years. The ones who dropped out and the ones who came back. The ones like family. The ones who look you in the eye and make you feel like you can be better just because of the way they see you. The ones who are all locked up inside themselves. I think people are the most fascinating creatures, because even the predictable ones will surprise you.
Strange situations are around me, and I have actually chosen to try and be the bigger person. I may not succeed, but I am trying. Unfortunately, it doesn't feel like growth. It feels like hurt. It feels like disappointment and disdain and frustration and salty tears. So what I'm thinking about tonight is not change, but people. And how disappointing we all can be. And petty. And so darn unpredictable.
But that's not what I should be thinking.
What I should be thinking is: even if they never realize what they had, I'm here tonight loving the fact that I don't allow them to make me feel small anymore. And that feels like growth I can actually be happy about.
Enjoy yourself today. You are special.
And as big as the universe.
That's a whole lotta change.
But tonight instead of thinking of change, I'm thinking of people. People in my life. The ones who have entered and left over the years. The ones who dropped out and the ones who came back. The ones like family. The ones who look you in the eye and make you feel like you can be better just because of the way they see you. The ones who are all locked up inside themselves. I think people are the most fascinating creatures, because even the predictable ones will surprise you.
Strange situations are around me, and I have actually chosen to try and be the bigger person. I may not succeed, but I am trying. Unfortunately, it doesn't feel like growth. It feels like hurt. It feels like disappointment and disdain and frustration and salty tears. So what I'm thinking about tonight is not change, but people. And how disappointing we all can be. And petty. And so darn unpredictable.
But that's not what I should be thinking.
What I should be thinking is: even if they never realize what they had, I'm here tonight loving the fact that I don't allow them to make me feel small anymore. And that feels like growth I can actually be happy about.
Enjoy yourself today. You are special.
And as big as the universe.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Photo Sunday, slightly delayed

If you've read this blog at all, you know that I'm very anti-Dallas.
But I swear my little neighborhood, Deep Ellum, makes me feel like I could be anywhere- Austin, San Diego, Denver even maybe? It's so angsty and anti-establishment it, even I feel like an artist. :)

I've been doing pretty well with my required pt at home. The walks are the hardest part, but I distract myself by trying to find cool little hidden niches. This Sunday I decided to snap a few pics for you guys to get a healthy taste of the only acceptable place to live in Dallas.

Band posters are ever intriguing to me, and you can find them everywhere in this area- a tribute to the streets that have been considered a musical hotspot in the South since the 1920's. Those ghosts still haunt the area, and regardless of the ebbs and flows of popularity, the roots are deep and music venues monopolize the area.

At least in my neighborhood, I feel like it could be a possibility.
After walking around for a while
and seeing so much cool art,
I was inspired to take a few artsy photos of my own....
of the dog,
a cool old newspaper I found,
even a sign that I found ironic. :)
By the end, even the "Visit Myrtle Beach" sky-writing seemed like art. :)
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