I am so blessed. Maybe I don't say that enough. Maybe, even worse, I don't realize it often enough. But it's true, and when I realize it, I am truly overwhelmed with gratitude.
I was just having a conversation earlier this week and mentioning that over the last year, I've slowly become a little angry- way more than I ever even realized until I started working around kids

With that thought, I begin to think, for the first time in a while, about the future, about possibility, and about walking through fear to a new, better side of life.
Maybe the most important thing I've realized through all of this is that none of us will live forever. We act that way, we pretend we're

It's been a busy week- I went to a 20's and 30's support group meeting at Gilda's, "graduated" from the teaching program (they even mentioned how I'm finally out of the wheelchair for the most part), have been putting together a portfolio for job apps, started with the Achilles Track program, and am beginning preparation the party next month.
It's exciting, and I'm ready for the change. For the first time I think EVER at Gilda's, I felt like I

I've been reading a lot about the end of treatment and the effects it causes mentally, because I'm down to four vials as of today (How awesome is that?), and the final countdown is on. I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself for being proactive about this, and I think it's gonna really help ease the transition back into "normal life" by being involved in so many other things.
When I met with my Achilles Track coach, Carlton, we walked together for 30 minutes, discussing things I need to be careful of as I try to get back into a routine and what my goals are. He was really positive and encouraging, and I liked him instantly. I'm glad he's here to help in this process.
The walk made me pretty sore: way more than I ever would've guessed. There's pain in my hip and ankles, my back and my jaw, and I've been taking Vicodin for it; but we think a lot of it is chemo, which is great news. Carlton is even hopefull that by October, I can probably do my first 5k!

Okay, on my soapbox again. My bad.

Speaking of, I watched The Corporation tonight, and then immediately signed up with the local Green Party. A real motivating film, an extreme eye opener, that I suggest to everyone, and not nearly as slanted as Fahrenheit 9/11, even though it does provide a lot of insight into our nation's dark side. Remind me again why I'm not in Canada?
I guess that's it for now, kids. I'll keep you all posted on the party, so start making preparations now to be here August 19th. I've heard from a lot of internet buddies that they won't be able to be here, but they're going to be toasting in spirit that night. That means as much as anybody else being here, especially those that have braved Interferon on their own.
Keep up the good fight all, and I will, too.
Hi there! I am so glad you had a good experience in the 20's & 30's group. This Tuesday night will be my last night facilitating the Wellness group b/c I am starting a Teen Group. I would love to have you participate with the teens anytime! Congrats on being 4 vials away!!! YES!!
Way to "go green." That has been a hard one for me--dem's and rep's really is about choosing the lesser of the evils, as far as I can see...but then I wonder if change can be made without jumping on one of those bandwagons...at any rate, you inspired me to go look at the Dallas Co. Green Party site, and I was really impressed! I didn't realize that they touched so strongly on many issues that the dem's seem to be afraid to touch. (like trade, globalization)...If my vote really doesn't matter in this red state anyways, maybe I'll just start making it green. :)
Anyways, congratulations on going down to 4 vials! And, yeah for all of the new things you've got started!
I am so happy to know you! You really do just *HAVE* to be my friend.
Lori: You have been such an inspiration to Randy and I. I have cheered for you and cried for you. Thanks so much for this blog that you have created. It has helped a lot by reading it and seeing that Randy isn't going through the INF junk alone. God bless you and CONGRATS!!! on the end of the poison vials!
Hey, if you ever do decide to come Canada, come visit us! It would be an honour Miss M.
Lori --
I love you =
You are probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you. What are you like at 3 or 2 now!!! I cannot wait to see you soon. You sound great today!!!
Lori - Get on your soapbox, my friend! Rant and rave - not enough people out there to do it. Yeah - I just wanted to shout out to you again and again and again that you inspire me and I think you're tops. :-)
Lori - Get on your soapbox, my friend! Rant and rave - not enough people out there to do it. Yeah - I just wanted to shout out to you again and again and again that you inspire me and I think you're tops. :-)
Living without you is killing me. Come back soon.
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