Here's how it works: Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
*My added rule- you have to post some random pics, too.
So, in no particular order:
1. I have conversations in my sleep and then giggle hysterically.
2. Two of the people I grew up thinking were my grandparents were never related to me, and no one knows who the real ones are. I know. Wierd.
3. Before college, I'd never lived anywhere for more than 3
4. I was a virgin until my wedding night. You can get up off the floor now.
5. I always thought I'd grow up to be a famous writer.
6. People tell me that my dog and I act just alike.
7. Until my dad died 2 years ago, I had never really been close to anyone who died.
8. I hate painting now because I did it all through chemotherapy.
1. I have conversations in my sleep and then giggle hysterically.
2. Two of the people I grew up thinking were my grandparents were never related to me, and no one knows who the real ones are. I know. Wierd.
3. Before college, I'd never lived anywhere for more than 3

4. I was a virgin until my wedding night. You can get up off the floor now.
5. I always thought I'd grow up to be a famous writer.
6. People tell me that my dog and I act just alike.
7. Until my dad died 2 years ago, I had never really been close to anyone who died.
8. I hate painting now because I did it all through chemotherapy.
#4-- AWESOME!! Good for you!
Hi Lori,
It was interesting reading your random fact and I love the photographs you posted. I played and posted my random facts.
Take care, Carver
Getting up off the floor now...
I love you Lori Lee!
How awesome to be happy even in your sleep.
FYI- Lori / Bobby
From the new Tribute on Shannon's web-page / everyone needs to read it / and post for the family.
Shannon was an amazing person. She was the strongest person I have ever known. She never gave up, She fought this cancer to the very end. She worried more about everyone than herself. She wanted so badly to be here for the kids. I have been thinking for weeks, to come up with a nice tribute, to finish her blog. This is how I think it should be. I'm going to need some help. Shannon touched alot of people near and far, I would like everyone to send a comment about what Shannon ment to you. I'm going to start it , but I would like to hear from as many people as we can.Even if you only want to say hi and where your from.Thank you. Shannon will be missed, but never forgotten.
Rewind to the summer of '98. There she was across the yard. I didn't know it at the time, but she was to be the love of my life. Shannon and her sister moved to the house behind my best friends Pete and Denise. She started Alannah in Denise's daycare. I asked Denise to fix us up. On our very first date, I knew she was the one. I could picture myself growing old with her. It felt like I knew her for years. I know it might sound like BS to some, but it truly was love at first sight. Christmas day 1998 I proposed to her, She was the best present I ever gave to myself. I loved her with everything I had. I know she loved me. I don't regret a single moment that I spent with her. She gave me two beautifull children. I gave her the loving family she needed. She gave me love and comfort. I gave her support and strength, with a little humor thrown in. We made a great team. I will still always love her.
This is a poem written by Alannah for Shannon
In a sad and upsetting time
we were there for you.
Yet you left before our eyes
and there was nothing for us to do,
except let you go.
For you, there was no more suffering,
no more pain and the
need and use of medication.
You are now in a place where you belong,
Now you can live in peace.
Sure, we will miss you dearly, but we
know you are up there looking down on us.
I am proud to be a daughter of a fighter.
Posted by Shannon at 5:14 PM 26 comments
I love learning more about you! Thanks for sharing. I enjoy your zest for life.
It just gets wierder, man...the grandparent thing? The hell?
You get your kids tomorrow, true? Have fun with the little angel-fools.
Hey Miss Melly!
You rock...
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