Sunday, September 14, 2008

All we hear is Radio GaGa

The title means what, you ask? It's only there as part of my obsession with Queen of late. But why I'm really here is to catch you up with this info:

1. Check out the new blogs listed to the right-- I've gotten a few emails in the last month informing me of blogs dealing with melanoma and I'm happy to pass on the word (including one at the Ulman Cancer Fund by our own Redheaded Bald Chick!) If you find any others you'd like to promote, be sure to send them my way and I will add them to the roll doggettes.

2. I also heard from Andrea at Paula's Choice and she was gracious enough to write and offer all of us a sneak peek at! All you have to do is go to the site, click on subscribe, and enter “blogfree” as the coupon code. No credit card required! You get 2 free days to search over 40,000 cosmetic reviews and browse around the site. Yay! They are also starting a blog at Paula's Choice and are asking readers to advise as to what they believe it should include. Feel free to comment here. They also have a Facebook page is you want to reach them there. A special thanks to Paula Begoun and Andrea.

3. And it's about f%@#ing time, but finally there is a major movement to raise funds for cancer research. If you've been unda dat rock, let me just tell you a little about Stand Up to Cancer, which even has a catchy little acronym, SU2C, as all good causes should. Actually, just watch this, because they say it better than I can:

If our government didn't have their heads up their a&&es, then this wouldn't really be necessarily, but nonetheless people have decided not to sit around and wait for things to get better, and rather have made the decision to do something about it. Good for them! Gandhi would be so proud.

It's not too late to give or to pass on the message!

4. This is completely uncancer related, but do you know about Shock Of Pleasure? Bobby's long-time friend started the group, and they've really taken off here in Dallas. We went to a show the other night and I asked Kelly, the beautiful lead singer, to sign my boob. Of course, she said "Yes!" and that I was the first boob she's ever signed. Wow! I deflowered her. Anyway, check out their stuff on iTunes. I'm not typically an electronic music lover, but this stuff is way cool. Great for those chilled evenings.

5. John McCain's melanoma is in the news a bit, too.

6. There's also some potentially good biomedical news about melanoma treatment.

Keep in touch, peoples.


Carver said...

Great Post! I love the shot of you and the lead sing. The daily show F you cancer is one I'm sending everyone I know. GREAT!

Ronni Gordon said...

This is quite the blog and yours is quite the story. I saw you on Susan C's site and will now check back in on you from time to time. My blog is about my leukemia story, if you want to check it out.

Tina Sullivan said...

I love your blog. It is informative with just the right amount of humor, which I think is great for the spirit. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma 2 years ago and it came back in my lung this year. I started a blog to tell my story and to futher educate my friends and family. Your blog helped me to decide to start mine, so I wanted to say "Thank You".

I'll continue to check in on you.


I'm Too Young For This!