Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More Happiness Quotes

Dr. Holden says the key to being happy is overcoming "destination addiction," which he defines as "living in the not-now."

"It's always about tomorrow, so you're chasing 'more,' 'next' and 'there,'" he says. "You promise yourself that when you get there, you'll be happy. And I promise you, you won't, because you'll always set another destination to go for."

Instead, Dr. Holden says if you are unhappy with your life or looking to improve your score on the satisfaction test, there are two things you can do. "We have to learn to let go of our past, we have to give up all hopes for a perfect past. Let the past go, it's gone." After that, he says, "Take a vow of kindness. Be kinder to yourself and to others.

"It's never too late to be happy," he says.


Bob B. said...

Absolutely. I think it is the "More! I want MORE!" attitude that is killing the whole world.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a very pertinent quote for the mood of today's society. Thanks for posting!



I'm Too Young For This!