Sunday, July 17, 2005

I love Vicodin! (w/pic)

Don't really remember the last 2 days.... so there's that... and the pain pills- who loves them. The surgery seems to have be really successful, but I'm sore as hell. I can barely sit up, much less make it up the stairs, but it's a little better every day (at least, as far as I can remember, lol.) I find the harder i push my limits, the faster I make progress, so I'm doing just that. I'm glad it's over with, it had been a nightmare having to reschedule this thing over and over and now I'm good to go. A little anxious about what the pathology report will be, but I know either way, whether it comes back clear or if I've got melanoma in every lymph node, that I will deal with it the best I can and believe that everything is going to be okay. If that means I'm fighting it until then end, then so be it, and I don't have a problem with that. Bring that sh*t on.

Best thing about this surgery is they put two Jackson Pratt drainages on my stomach, which means I have these two tubes coming out of my stomach that lead to two little balls at the end of them. This may not seem cool at first, but when you see them, they're effin hysterical because they hang off of my stomach and look like I've got gonads hanging on me. My own sack! That's comedy, kids. I've enjoyed putting them in my shorts and telling people that I actually went in for a sex change operation. Tamara has nicknamed them the lymph nads. It cracks my ass up.

Tamara & Lush of course have been unbelievable, and I don't know where I'd be today without them. I mean that literally, because they've helped me thru all this a hundred different ways, and even given me a place to stay. I never have to worry what I'm gonna do about coming home or how I'll make it: they are always there, even through those times you never imagine you'll have, like those times I was trying to get off the toilet. :) Thank you God today for the opportunity to become friends with them 17 years ago, and of course for all the support and love I've gotten from everyone else I've met along the way.

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I'm Too Young For This!