Tell Congress - Don't Slow Down the Fight!

On February 6, President Bush proposed to Congress his federal budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2007. The President's budget fails to meet even the basic public health needs for cancer patients and survivors. This is unacceptable. The 1.4 million people who hear the words, "You have cancer" this year need to know that our elected officials are making cancer a national priority. Congress needs to hear loudly from cancer survivors and others that our nation can't step back from the fight against cancer. Let them hear you today.
Click here to find your representative's email address.-----> United States House of Representatives
Please use this as your subject line in your email: -----------> DON'T IGNORE THE FIGHT

Then copy and insert this letter, written by HOTTIE Lance Armstrong himself. (I'd like to see that StrongArm, if you know what I mean). (That's me on the right, trying to get my tongue in his ear.)
Anyway, here's the letter:
------->When the Budget Resolution is considered in the House and Senate, please oppose the President's proposed cuts and vote in support of efforts to increase funding for cancer research and programs, such as the Specter-Harkin amendment to restore funding for all health and education programs to the levels they were at two years ago. As you and your colleagues are considering the FY 2007 budget, I urge you to only support a budget resolution that increases funding for cancer research and programs. Unfortunately, the President's FY 2007 budget fails to meet even the basic public health needs for cancer patients and survivors. On the heels of approving the first cut to National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) funding since 1970 in FY 2006, the President has proposed even deeper cuts in FY 2007. As a result, the total number of NIH-funded research project grants would drop by 642, or 2 percent, below last year’s level. Funding for the NCI would be cut by $40 million. In addition to these cuts in medical research, the President's budget also proposes deep reductions at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for chronic disease prevention, quality of life programs, and health promotion. Specifically, the proposal cuts nearly $20 million from chronic disease programs, which include cancer control, prevention, and survivorship. In fact, under the President's proposal, the CDC Cancer programs, which are already severely under-funded, would be cut by more than $3 million. As you well know, the Congressional Budget Resolution sets the spending caps for the year by "Functions." For health care, including medical research and public health programs, the critical Function is "550." If you support cancer research and public health programs and are serious about the commitment to end suffering and death from cancer, you should only support a Congressional Budget Resolution that increases Function 550 funding over last year's level. When the Budget Resolution is considered in the House and Senate, please oppose the President's proposed cuts and vote in support of efforts to increase funding for cancer research and programs, such as the Specter-Harkin amendment to restore funding for all health and education programs to the levels they were at two years ago. I will be following the budget process closely. Please let me know what actions you plan to take to support increasing funding for cancer research and programs.

(insert your little ol name here)
That's love, right there folks... doin all that work for you. So get off your buttskies and help all those cancer patients out there. Doing something you don't want to do builds character.