the picture just makes me giggle!
A quick update, then I'll have to post more later. First, if you have tried to post a comment, you'll see that I'm now regulating them. Don't let that stop you from posting comments, though, because I need those words of advice and solice, and they get me through some tough times! Hold me!
It's just that, for one, I've gotten some spammy type comments this week in addition to some OTHER type comments that I'll address on another post. But trust me, they're interesting, and Jerry Springer-style scandalous. You'll want to check back in on these.
As far as the latest on the doc home front, the surgeon is now officially recommending surgery, and there is even some hope that this node isn't even melanoma! Which makes me, for one, EXTREMELY happy, even though at first I wouldn't let myself believe it for fear that it's too good to be true. Now, I'm jumping whole-heartily into the hopes that this is a reactive node, and not a melanoma node! Feel free to pray for that, too. So we're planning on taking the sucker out in June. This week, however, I have been talking to MDA and to another local dr's office (who comes highly recommended in the melanoma field) and we're getting some info as to what other experts suggest. With all this in mind, I am happy to report that I am feeling very, very positive. Very positive that I am getting opinions of experts and therefore will have the highest level of care. That's a big jab at Parkland, but nonetheless, just let me tell you, I feel good. And as soon as I hear anything else, you'll be the first to know!
In other news, I'm working with about 34 fifth graders who are antsy for summer and there's not a brain to share between them all!
Hi Lori,
I am so happy to read this post. It has made the last day of my vacation perfect. I understand your fear of believing something too good to be true but I am here to tell you it happens. As I'm sure I've mentioned too many times, I had a stinker that lit up like crazy and then began to fade until it was all but certainly not melanoma. I am ferociously wishing the same for you. The photo on this post also made me giggle. Cheers, Carver
Awesome!!!! Fingers, eyes, and toes... all crossed. Arms and legs too, just for good measure. Now that I'm in a tangled mess, I guess the laundry will just have to do itself! ..(but you're worth it!)
Yay! I hope you get some great news in June. Sorry, you have to have surgery. But finding out it ISN'T melanoma would be totally worth it!
Thanks for the update, all when you're busy with a million 5th graders and probably a million other things going on. Thinking of you! Faye.
Yay! A hundred million of 'em to be exact. Surgery is no picnic for sure, but in a way that pathology report that says 'a single Mr. Iliac Node negative for tumor' will be worth it. I have come to appreciate benign pathology over the last 2 and a half years. (I am looking up 'zactly what a reactive node is... post haste.) Glad to hear you are getting lots of opinions.
So of course, we are all holding you real tight...can't you feel it? And sending all the very best thoughts right at 'cha for a good result and for dealing with those excited little brainless wonders who are standing on your last nerve and jumping up and down.
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