TodayI made three waffles, one for the dog, one for me, and one for my new set of hips; I ate right before the old Interferon, which I've started taking earlier in the day (4:20) in order to sleep through side effects. Plus, it's helped with appetite, which, I'm not sure, but may be a good thing. However, we're officially building on to the apartment for my a## now.
Went to the Y today, and tried to work out because I figured I just couldn't take this look any longer. I've got more chins than China. Janet Jackson has nothing on me. (Isn't chemo supposed to make you lose weight?) So, this is the second time I've worked out in the last year, and

So, the Y. I got an email from a fellow chemo-er suggesting I try riding a bike instead of running, because it's lower impact. And I felt better than I have in a long time (maybe it was the 2 Vicodin) but I thought maybe an elliptical runner would be a good idea. Two minutes in, I was having chest pains, and about 30 seconds later the machine shut down, saying "Your heart rate is too high." I switched machines, thinking I could outsmart the little sucker,

Oh well, I guess it's just another motivator to get this chemo over with and get back into old habits. I'm looking forward to it. Today the rash is a little worse than usual, and I've got some pretty serious lymphadema. It hurts more than it usually does, but I'm guessing it's just from more swelling than typical. I'm eating ice like a freakin eskimo- my guess is that I'm probably anemic, because ice always tastes so good when my numbers are low. I don't feel bad, though, and I guess the workout was at least worth a try. Soon I'll be back in the old saddle, feeling fit as a fiddle. And hey, double chins aren't THAT bad. It could be worse. :) Right?