Sunday, August 07, 2005

Snoochie Boochie

Well, it's been a good week. I've tried to slow down on the blogs because I don't wanna overwhelm my loyal fans. :) Anyway, long story short, the Jackson-Pratt tube in my stomach that led down to my leg and drained the lymphatic fluid out of my thigh came out (all foot and a half of it) while I was at the movies. It's okay, the movie sucked anyway. And they took the stitches out of my foot. So that means I'm really supposed to be taking it easy, which doesn't work out too well for me in general. The tube wasn't supposed to come out until next week, so the fluid is collecting in my leg, and it's not necessarily the most positive feeling. Not pain, just wierd and kinda uncomfortable. Anyway, it's not that bad, and it seems to be a lot better than everyone expected.
So next Sunday, I go into the hospital and start my first chemo (Interferon) treatment. I'm actually more nervous about the medi-port (that permanent IV thing they stick in your neck or chest) than the chemo. Is that wrong? I could use some company and phone calls, since I'll be in for a while, so if you're reading this, feel free to do so. The visits are $10 per half hour, or a four-hour block for $50. You can't afford me for the weekend. Slots are going fast, so call our operators NOW to reserve your good time. Neh. Anyway, hope to hear from you losers. Besos.


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